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Brink of Life Trilogy on Amazon

Brink Trilogy

The Pinocchio Chip

The Pinocchio Chip captivates readers with a mind-blowing sci-fi tale about AI and human consciousness…I never thought I would love an AI character as much as I loved Photina. Photina's traits are even more intriguing and sophisticated than many human characters I've seen in fiction…The Pinocchio Chip is a must-read for all sci-fi fans and readers who fantasize about a future where living with robots is more widespread and AI is even more advanced. Though it's in a series, the book is a standalone, and I didn't feel like I missed anything from the previous installments. Still, Rick's skillful twists and brilliant characterization have sparked my interest in the other installments. The Pinocchio Chip is just that good. This addictive, skillfully woven tale is a real page-turner! (5 Stars)

Portland Book Review




The Pinocchio Chip is a new novel by retired psychiatrist and storyteller Rick Moskovitz. Writing his book in the first person from the point-of-view of Photina, his AI main character, is absolutely genius. With a unique look into the naive quality that Photina possesses, Moskovitz not only tells an exciting story but delves into the question of "what it means to be human." Moskovitz's tale is a fast-paced crime drama that takes place in the near future. It is an excellent mixture of mystery, sci-fi, and psychology…Drawing from his background in psychology and psychotherapy, Moskovitz delves into the intricacies of the human brain and aspects of humanity that many writers shy away from. Importantly, his tale is not one of warning or doom. Instead, it is a beacon of hope, with characters and messages that embody positive traits. (4 Stars)

San Francisco Book Review



Stories like The Pinocchio Chip showcase literature's vital role in readying society for looming change, by crafting textured thought experiments to sensitize our collective conscience…. My father skillfully sounds this call, provoking reflection on our accountability in spawning and guiding beings that could eclipse human intelligence as we approach the horizon of independent machine consciousness. I believe this timely, worthwhile work warrants our considered attention before the window of opportunity shuts.

Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder Asana and Facebook



A philosophical and intelligent science fiction novella set in a near-future world where things are both recognizably familiar and startlingly different, Rick Moskovitz's The Pinocchio Chip explores the meaning of life and the nature of consciousness and emotion through the experiences of an advanced artificial intelligence (AI), a cutting-edge clone, and the human creator of the two…The Pinocchio Chip is an innovative science fiction novella with a great premise and a unique perspective. Discovering the truth alongside Photina makes for an engaging and fast-paced reading experience. (4 Stars)

San Diego Book Review




This story was filled with action, suspense, and a deep reflection on the state of advanced AI. For the first time, I received a glimpse inside a humanoid's mind and understood their perspective. I was hooked on the story, especially after discovering there was an intelligent villain. (5 Stars)

Seattle Book Review



The Pinocchio Chip is intriguing, exciting, and full of action and emotions. Rick Moskovitz describes the AI characters with such care and detail that it is hard not to think of these machines as human, even though they are not capable of experiencing and showing human emotion...yet. Moskovitz further plays with the notion of what could happen if AI becomes indistinguishable from humans. Since we are living in a world where the use of AI has taken off in recent years, he makes it even more plausible, triggering the reader's imagination with his excellent and engaging storytelling. The Pinocchio Chip is a well-crafted work of contemporary fiction, full of emotional turmoil, excitement, and intrigue, that will remind the reader of how important it is to be human in today's fast changing world. (5 Stars)

Readers Favorite



In his intriguing crime drama novella, The Pinocchio Chip, Rick Moskovitz, seeks to answer the question: "What does it mean to be human?" …readers will find this novella, following an endearing android and examining the lines between humans and AI, entertaining and thought provoking.

BlueInk Review


An AI "SPUD" faces conspiracy and human emotions in this fast-moving adventure. Moskovitz explains how he used ChatGPT to help develop the story's "decision points," a shrewd device for a rumination on the progress of AI development. Through Photina's observations of human feelings and interactions, Moskovitz comments on human foibles and triumphs, hubris and the capacity to love and sacrifice, which—along with insights into tech and psychology—will keep readers' interest piqued.

booklife Reviews


With a fast-paced narrative and an unpredictable plot, Moskovitz tells a captivating tale using the first person POV of an AI robot. The author gives readers a glimpse into the psyche of an advanced AI and shows how it might think and act if it had agency of its own. (5 Stars)

Readers Favorite



A tight page count and a terse narrative voice lend a quick pace to the plot's twists and surprises….Fairy-tale ingredients from sources including Pinocchio and The Velveteen Rabbit are telegraphed by the title and effectively enhance the narrative.

Kirkus Reviews